Character Update
Starting off with something a little different. Managed to gear up my 80 prot warrior a bit more. 4pc t10, and a full set of accompanying off set JP epics + dungeon drops. As this will be my main come cataclysm, I'm now happy that I'll have a full set of gear to tank on for the first set of leveling dungeons.
Also picked up a few fury pieces here and there. Had to kit out a few of these items even though they'll soon be replaced. Dropped about 600g total on some cheap epic gems and a leg armor.
Gold Update
Had a fairly successful week, even though a good half of my time was spend dedicated to gearing up and not making gold. Thankfully a lot of my gold makes itself for me while I play or do other things.
Glyphs + Enchants: 8,696g
Other Markets: ???
Total Gold, end of week: 139,454g
Time Played: 15 hours (579+ gold per hour)
Wasn't tracking my other sales in markets this week (pets, recipes, gems, belt buckles, rods, mostly), but I'll be sure to track that for next time. I'm actually curious myself. Had consistent sellers in most of my other markets, primarily Solid Sky Sapphires for some reason. Wasn't able to keep up with demand, and actually ran into a dreaded situation where I ran out of stock, as the uncuts jumped from 8g to 20g for a couple of days on my server. Will be sure not to make that mistake again...
Looking forward to similar if not higher totals this week. Going to see if I can push the enchanting and scroll market a bit harder during the weekdays, as I didn't keep up with it too well this past week.
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