Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Maintaining Stock in a Volatile Market

Today's post is a little less straight forward and a bit more of a public ramble. In a stable market it is relatively simple to maintain stock levels. You know the prices of the raw mats, the relative demand for the crafted goods, and what levels to buy and sell at. But what do you do when everything is in flux? Read on...

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Jewelcrafting: "Updating" KTQ for Cataclysm

Continuing my focus long term on Cataclysm, here's a quick tip on making KTQ work for you for Cataclysm. I'll probably write a complete end to end writeup on how I work the JC market once I get more cuts - but that's a few months away and honestly nothinig mindblowing. This was a really quick fix that I couldn't find anywhere else, and it's made my crafting so much easier!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Snatch Lists: Disenchanting crafted gear

Here's a quick set of items I've been investigating lately - using nothing more than an enchanter with a relatively high skill (mine is currently at 500) and about 15 minutes of auction house scanning a day.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Sticking with it

Bit of a down week posting and gold wise week. I've simply been too distracted with real life activities to commit to updating or even playing that much. Today's post focuses on battling just this idea - and gives an example of how I'm fighting the brief downturn with a diverse approach.