Thursday, November 18, 2010

Vendor Flipping

A common theme in gold making, and a great one to start with if you're on a limited time budget, is the purchasing of vendor items and flipping them on the auction house. There are a bunch of these vendors all over the place. For example, here's a guide on all the limited supply vendors in outland  alone.

The focus for today's post is on two specific vendors, who can be accessed quickly and repeatedly for some easy, consistent gold.

The first vendor is Kendor Kabaka - the Master of Cooking Recipes in Stormwind's Old Town district. This is one of my personal favourite vendors in the game. Kendor sells 13 different cooking recipes which cost about 5 gold total if you want to buy a stack of 5 of each, which I always keep on hand.

Using ZeroAuctions with a custom item group specifically for these items, I post 4 of these up at a time on the auction house. Prices may vary on your server, but in general I put these up with a 25g fallback, a 1g threshold (Doesn't seem like a lot, but 1g off a 16s recipe is still about 800% profit), and check in on them once a day. You can post more than once a day if you'd like, particularly if competition on your server is fiercer than mine. In general, I do this casually without a thought, posting each day and restocking about every 3 days. For what is no more than 3 minutes of my time daily I usually pull in anywhere from 25-80g selling these, or about 500 - 1600 gold per hour, if you averaged it out.

You won't make your living off of these, but the best thing about this method is that it can be done anywhere from level 1 to level 80 on any alliance character, with the same return on investment.

The second vendor we're going to be exploiting requires a bit higher level of a character, and deals with the Consortium vendor Dealer Rashaad in netherstorm. Rashaad sells 8 unlimited quantity vanity pets, which can be purchased at any reputation level. For the purposes of this post, and the method I'm currently using, I only deal with the lower end pets that are sold in terms of cost. Since this is so far out of the way, I will usually either park a spare toon in Netherstorm, or purchase 10 of each pet at a time, to minimize time spent travelling. If you can manage it, I'd definitely recommend parking a toon there, and sending the pets to your bank alt.

The method here once again is very simple. Purchase 10 of each pet (Total cost: 20g), create a custom group in zero auctions for these netherstorm pets, and post them in lots on the auction house. The deposit on these aren't high (29s to post 4 of each pet, 16 auctions in total), so you can feel free to post more than 1 at a time if you think you'll get enough interest. Once again, this is usually a once a day log on, post, and forget about it until the next day method that I will use. After the initial set up time of travelling to netherstorm and parking a toon there, you're looking at maybe 5 minutes total to restock, mail, log the bank alt, and post auctions each day.

So there you have it. 8 minutes of time invested, probably 50g invested per week depending on sales, and you're looking at pulling in on average around 400-500g a week just from this method alone.

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