Friday, December 17, 2010

Alchemy and Engineering Profession Synergy

Don't have a lot of time today, but let's talk real quickly about taking professions that you have (or maybe even those that you don't, and leveraging your relationships) to make larger margins on your investments.

Electrified Ether

Here's a nice and quick example that requires a 485 alchemist, and a 445 engineer or a friendly guildy/trustworthy person. I've already written a great deal about the Transmute: Living Elements capabilities in uldum.

Currently on my server, the prices for the following goods are at these rough levels:
  • Volatile Life: 10g
  • Volatile Air: 40g
  • Electrified Ether: 100 - 200g (varies wildly)

Up until this point, I've been doing the smart thing with all three of my alchemist's cooldowns: Buying 15 volatile life, and transmuting daily into air. On average this nets me 15 volatile air (14-16), which is a profit of 450g, or a margin of 400%.

I've now taken to taking this the extra mile. Using one profession is great, but if you have an engineer you need to level, or just want to make some extra gold, let's now take a look at the Electrified Ether component. This is an engineering good in high demand which is used to level engineering. It takes 2 Volatile Air per, and can be used to level from 445 to 465. If you have your own engineer, or want to help out a guildy, this is a great way to get "Free" skillups for engineering as well.

Looking at my server's market history via the undermine journal, I can see that prices have varied wildly between 100 and 200g over the past few days, but have never fallen below this 100g ceiling. Using this model, we can now turn 2 volatile life at a 20g cost, into 2 volatile air, which have a 80g selling potential, into a single Electrified Ether which can net me anywhere between 20-120g additional gold for almost no extra time investment.

Everyone's heard of the Saronite Shuffle, but it's time to start doing the Transmute Tango. These items should continue to be in demand throughout the early months. If I can get a good enough reading on the demand of these, I might shift even more of my production to my alchemists. Using some rough math, I estimate the value of this at the following:

  • 600g profit per day per alchemist if Ethers are @ 100g
  • 1350g profit per day per alchemist if Ethers are @ 200g

Now, obviously these prices are catered to my server only - so you'll want to do some quick investigating. Take advantage of the undermine journal while it's still up and running - investigate your server. It's not a bad idea at all to stockpile cheap volatile life and add them to your snatch list.

I currently have 3 volatile life capable alchemists - no engineer but my guildmates are more than happy to help me out with this, and I can get them some early skillups as well.

If all goes well, I could be looking at 12,000 - 28,000 a week off of this alone.

What early opportunities are you seeing for profession synergies on your realm with your characters? Are you having better luck selling raw materials or intermediary profession goods? Let me know!

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