Friday, December 3, 2010

Results: Stormwind Vendor Recipe Flipping

Not a lot of time for posting today - so here's a real quick post in what might become a recurring series. It's one thing to read about a gold strategy, it's another thing to see results from that strategy. Here's a quick look at how I've done recently with a topic I've covered a lot early on: vendor flipping.

Vendor flipping AH results
Fear my amazing MSPaint skills!

This isn't my most profitable activity, but with how much I'm willing to repeatedly talk about it - I think this might be my favorite gold making strategy simply based on its sheer simplicity. There really is no explanation for why I'm able to offload vendor recipes that are maybe 30 seconds away from the auction house I'm selling them at for these margins other than laziness. Laziness on the buyer's part, and I suppose, some small amount of effort and ingenuity on mine.

This is probably just me stating the obvious again, but there's a couple things I can take away from this single screenshot:

1) Take a look at that [Redridge Goulash] recipe. According to my rough math I made a 34,062% margin on that single sale. That's right, the buyer could have had up to 341 of those recipes for the same cost if they made that trip to old town. Instead I sneak away with more gold for essentially nothing. Woohoo!

2) I was incredibly lucky, no doubt, on this one - but nonetheless, I was able to cash in on a monster completionist/collector casually searching the AH for cooking recipes. As you can plainly see, 7 of those 8 sales are to the same buyer. This gets back to a concept I discussed in my last post. Bundling multiple types of goods together on the AH can lead to increased returns - and in this case, it did for me. In total I came away with roughly 137 gold in a single "sale" of 7 items to one customer.

Now It's Your Turn

You've seen me make a couple posts on this. You've seen me post some (limited, but still relevant) results. If you haven't done this yet - now it's your turn. You've got nothing to lose, other than maybe 5 minutes and 5 gold. If you really want to carry the experiment out - take an alt you're not using, or make a new character. Give them 5 gold and the 4 days we have left until cataclysm. See what you can turn that 5g investment into over the next few days. I'd love to see your results - and I'm sure you'd be surprised by the returns you can attain.

I hope this has helped clear the minds of any skeptics, and given those just starting out on making their first few gold (or their next thousand) a little more proof that these ideas really do work.

If anyone takes me up on my offer - or is already doing this, post your results! I'd love to see how everyone else is doing on this market!


Vayaz said...

Ever tried selling Outland vendor recipes, too?

I'm collecting 12 of each once a week or so (sometimes 2 weeks) on my Paladin (Mining, Crusader Aura and 310% flying skill).

This will take around 15 minutes, net some additionally ores and

I'll sell all the recipes for 30-50 gold during the following week(s). They sell like crazy, I'm probably earning 700-1000 gold a day through this!

NYMeatball said...

Pretty crazy results! I hadn't considered doing that yet, no. I do the netherstorm pet flip, since that's a 30 second login->mail->post routine.

But a 15 minute loop once a week to stock up sounds pretty attractive. Those are pretty great returns, too. I think I'm making only about 400g a day through all my vendor flips (recipes, pets) - I'll add this to my list of things to try as soon as the Cata rush slows down.

Do you focus on anything in particular, or just make the most efficient routes around all the vendor locations?

Nevyn said...

Somehow I lucked onto this last year around Pilgrims time - I'd only been playing for about 6 wks so it gave me a nice boost very early on. This year for Pilgrims week, I was in Outland anyway so I too did the rounds there - & don't forget the Kalimdor ones - Feralas, Winterspring & Felwood jump to mind.

When I start an alt on a new server (which I do regularly, addict that I am), I create a bank alt, lvl to 5 or 6 then take their 10s & buy just 1 recipe from the SW vendor - hey presto! 3-10 gold next day :)

phill said...

Not sure if you already posted this but in UC u can get

Joseph Moore
Pattern: Barbaric Bracers
Pattern: Green Whelp Bracers

And they flip pretty well...