Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Cataclysm: Week Two Recap

Now that the dust has settled on release week, I've been able to take a better look at my long term Cataclysm strategies, and start focusing on a couple of my intended core markets: tailoring and jewelcrafting.

Character Update

Pretty good week in terms of character progress. Went from 83 to 84 on the miner/alchemist. Jewelcrafter/herbalist is nearly 84 and accumulating some nice rested XP.

Leveling project of the week goes to my neglected tailor, who was previously 85. Due to a rather expensive powerlevelling session in which I went from 450 -> 525 tailoring, I decided I needed to level him up to 84. Currently he's 3 bars from 82, so I made a nice dent in that grind. Should be 84 by the end of the week, which means my 10 Dreamcloth I've got stored will soon be getting some use.

Gold Update

As mentioned previously, my tailor is now 525 and has been churning out the blue pvp gear at a fairly decent rate. Since I'm not 84 yet I can't get access to the full set. Margins are fairly low, but they are consistent. Right now cloth is simply so expensive (7g a piece) that it makes it difficult to make a killing with these. They do sell though, and I'd say I'm making probably 50 - 100g per piece sold.

The plan for this week is to cap 84, craft some more PVP gear, and try to unload at least 1 epic boe belt. Assuming I can offload one for a decent enough price, I'll offset the entire cost of the profession to level using only the 5 dreamcloth I wouldn't have had if I didn't level it! Pretty exciting.

Jewelcrafting is taking a small upturn. I'm only at 3 blue recipes so far, but as expected my gamble in going for a dream emerald based gem has paid off very well so far. Raw dream emeralds are going for only about 60g on my server at present. I've managed to snag about 180 - 220g per cut gem so far, and I'm selling about 3-4 a day with casual posting. If nothing else, it's some easy, consistent gold and it allows me to level to 525 for "free" the rest of the way out. At 506 presently. One thing I am avoiding is the Fire Prism cooldown. On my server it's simply not optimal to sacrifice 18 common gems for a chance at 3 rares or a Chimera's eye. Not in any rush to cap this - 525 doesn't appear to offer any major gold making opportunities.

Strategy the rest of the way out is to remain steady and consistent - accumulate more JC cuts - starting with 1 of each gem colour, and then begin pushing more and more goods daily. Probably going to do a twice daily posting cycle - morning and night, posting 1-2 of each available cut. Nothing earth shattering here, and probably something every major JCer did during wrath. Been encouraged with the results thusfar, volume should only increase profits.

Finally, based on sheer profit alone I've got to speak yet again about the wonders of alchemy and having three transmutes a day for living elements. I realize this isn't something every wow player has the time to invest in, but for someone like me this is probably unrivaled in terms of gold per hour - it's really just a question of the ramp up time in levelling the alchemist to level 75 / 485 skill.

Taking a look at my MySales results, I've sold 357 of these over the past 2 weeks for an average of 38.27g. I've kept up with each of my cooldowns this past week - meaning I had 21 of these transmutes available - at 15 per that's 315 volatile airs I've sold this week alone. My average cost per volatile life is 10g (I buy these, strictly, I never farm them) - meaning in terms of raw profit I pulled in 8,905g this week off this cooldown alone. I've been so happy with the results that I'm in the process of leveling up a 4th alchemist on a 75 I had already. This one is assuredly going to be xmute spec as well.

Overall numbers for the week came in at 10,578g profit on the week (8k to level tailoring was a rough, but needed cost). Still put in way more game hours than I'm used to - 46 on the week for another minor 229g/hr. This week is going to be a lot more busy celebrating the holidays with family - I'm almost done with the initial character leveling rush as well.

I think week three is going to bring me the biggest profits yet, along with the least amount of game time. Really banking on letting alchemy and JC make my money for me, and getting 1-2 key sales in tailoring to have my biggest week of the expansion yet. How's your third week in cataclysm looking? Are you moving on to more automated forms of gold making, or are you still riding the farming rush with herbs and ore?


Anonymous said...

per your noted profits on alchemy..in retrospect, i should have just stopped leveling my (8) alchemists at 485 and just leveled every day w/the transmute elements CD. Also, if you have an engineer, you can do all ur transmutes right before 12:00am server, then do them again after 12 (all in the throne room in uldum, btw), log to ur engineer and put down ur 10min mailbox, MOLL-E, in the uldum throne room, then log to each alch and mail the air off to your bank toon to place on the AH.

NYMeatball said...

Awesome tip about MOLL-E. I don't have an engineer myself but this is a rather brilliant way of making probably the worst part of the transmute a lot easier.

I've been getting around that problem a slightly different way. I find that aligning my laziness in flying to the mailbox in tanaris/porting with higher volatile prices on weekends, I can do almost as well by just mailing my airs every friday. Less consistent income, though.

Eight xmute alchs is amazing, though! You must be pulling in close to 3k a day alone with procs. Working on my 4th now, I might have to get a little more inspired! Thanks for your insight.